Security System
in Malaysia
WeMAL Technology Sdn Bhd
We are a security system company founded in 1989 and based in Kuching, Sarawak is a trusted company for everyone’s requirement in terms of safety and advanced technology. We have been in the market for more than 30 years and is proud to have supplied and installed ELV System all over Sarawak! Whether a house, a block of apartment, a shopping mall, a factory or a bank instituitions; we will solve your problems in a few questions away!
LPR Solution
We offer different types of LPR system, from our own LPR system to HikVision LPR system.
HIKVISION OUTSTANDING PARTNER AWARDIt is our privilege to share this award to every client who had given trust and continuous support to WeMAL Technology!
Read More15Sep
SJK CHUNG HUA BAKOOn the 15th of September, 2020, our team had successfully installed Audio Visual System, LED Display System and Stage Lighting System at SJK Chung Hua Bako which was relocated to Kota Samarahan. We are proud and thankful for our installation team to have done an amazing job.
Read More05Jun
SJK CHUNG HUA STAPOKIn the month of June 2020, we have complimented a fever detection device to SJK Chung Hua Stapok. This enables students and staff’s to record/view their daily temperature to curb the spread of COVID19.
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